ATURIS.Basic-Template 2 fluid

Plastic molding


For mounting inhouse or as a single item supplied, we produce length adjusters from various glass fiber reinforced materials. We also produce protective covers individual components in the vehicle and unreinforcerd components of various sizes.

We produce small series through to permanent mass together in consultation with our customers.

Mounting assemblies and small systems

We assemble inhouse all possible assemblies up to small system. In various methods we use your plastic parts, put them together perfectly and deliver this ready to use.

Our methods are:

  • Bonding of plastic parts with 2k adhesive, as well as PURE by special devices
  • Crimp terminals for the MAN and Volvo Truck
  • Installation of lacquered visible parts in the automotive industry

Zsb. Ball pin assy
Alugussteil mounted with bearing shell, damping ring and lid


Single parts of Ball pin assy


Fireplace Cover with clip


Assembled adhesive plate with double-sided Fasteners


Mounted camera cover made of plastic incl. Built-up electric heating film


Mirror Covers are sprayed with us .....


.... In order to complete directly


The wheel cover for the T6 is glued additionally after manufacture with an emblem peripherally


Gluing the wheel cover T5


Outstanding bonding a steel cover with a foam pad


Terminals to the pressure range, with a holding force of the connection between the eye and rod of over 10,000 kN


Zsb. Terminal dampened with additional charger


Zsb. Terminal undamped


Zsb. Terminal undamped


Ultrasonic welding


Specially molded plastic parts are joined by ultrasonic welding.


Interior view of the ultrasonic welding machine


After welding, the length adjusters are completed ships.


It may not always be a plastic. Plastic inserts can also be easily connected in a metal part!
